About Us

GESS is Guyana-based
civil engineering consulting firm.

The company was founded to provide its clients with cost-effective solutions that work resulting from more than 36 years of proven, hands-on experience serving clients in Guyana. Mr. Tulsi is widely known as one of the leading engineers in civil and mechanical engineering and has spent his entire career serving municipalities and agencies on some of the complicated capital improvement projects in Guyana.

For more than 35 years, Mr. Tulsi led the team serving a multi-year, multi-phase, multi-million-dollar Surface Water Transfer Program and oversaw the design of more than 300 miles of large diameter pipelines including nearly 100 miles of tunnels. This work has included performing the route alignment studies for all the projects, development of project specific phasing plans to maximize local contracting capability while at the same time mitigating potential operational impacts, detail design including development of project specific details, coordination with the overlapping governmental agencies, creating technical specifications, coordination with the general public in order to address community concerns, and constructability reviews.

Founded in 2000, GESS has grown and provided full-service engineering, consulting, and construction management work serving public infrastructure projects for cities, counties, and other public agencies. Representative areas of engineering expertise on water, wastewater and construction field services include:

Our commitment

GESS was built to serve the technical needs of its clients. It continues to grow by earning the trust of these clients, who return for their professional engineering needs. We are committed to exceeding your expectations and delivering the superior technical services GESS has become known for.



Revenue in 2017 (Million)


Collaegues & Counting


Successfully Project


Years of experience

The Team

Our Experts

Mike Rich

Lead Architect

Jenny Smith

Head Engineer (US)

George Doe

Head Engineer (CN)

Maria Jay

Head Engineer (AU)

Trust and Worth

Our Clients

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